Are All Alcoholic Rehabilitation Treatments the Same?
When it comes to the treatment of alcohol dependency, it’s not uncommon for most people to assume that the same types of therapies and solutions are available within rehabilitation centers. Alcohol treatment options may be similar in purpose (to help an addict to overcome their dependency), but there are almost a dozen unique methods and programs in which this aim is carried out.
When asking if all alcoholic rehab treatments are the same, the answer is a definitive no. The type of treatment that a sufferer should undertake will depend on the type of addiction that they are facing, as well as the variety of therapies that may suit them the most. Most clinics will prioritize evaluating a patient’s needs once they have been admitted to a center. But once there, what should a patient expect to face as far as their recovery programs are concerned?
Summit Detox Options
This type of detox is ideal for those suffering with dependency, as it can help to slowly remove the habit whilst allowing the patient to recover at a pace that suits them. Where other treatments might cater to large groups consisting of dozens of sufferers, this type specializes in smaller therapy sessions, with some clinics offering no more than 20 beds.
Outpatient Programs
Another common misconception about rehab centers is that the patients will need to remain on site throughout the duration of their recovery program. This isn’t the case with outpatient options – in fact some allow their patients to go home overnight and come back the following morning, or for specific meetings. This might seem a little unrestrictive, but the truth is that due to the complex nature of the phases associated with this program, it still boasts a very high rate of success.
Experiential Therapies
Some sufferers may find the main barrier to their recovery is their mental health, so experiential therapies can be much better suited than regular ones. This type of program relies on mental healing activities, such as role play and candid discussions. An expert will typically be on hand to help a patient to come to terms with the experiences in their life that may have led to them developing a dependency on alcohol, as well as allowing them the opportunity to identify factors that may be taking a toll in the present. The overall aim is to propose solutions to these issues that will allow an addict to overcome their dependency, and then stay sober for the rest of their life.
Traditional Solutions
The above options differ greatly from traditional methods of rehabilitation, and for those that might be a little confused about how these options work – the truth is that they can vary from clinic to clinic. In most cases, they will rely on a detox period of up to 30 days, followed by a further month of therapy and counseling, and then a final four weeks if the situation requires it.