25 Unbelievable Facts About Alcohol You May Not Realize Are True, Despite the great controversy in terms of both physical and mental health, drinking alcohol is a worldwide phenomenon. Every country has its own favorite alcohol beverage and there are many nations arguing about who the world´s heaviest drinker is. Alcohol has been around for thousands of years and in the course of time, many interesting alcohol-related facts have emerged. From the pathological fear on an empty glass to a 3.75 million-dollar vodka, check out these 25 unbelievable facts about alcohol you may not realize are true.
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Now check out this intoxicating preview:
Discovery of late Stone Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (about 10,000 BC).
Most vegetable and almost all fruits contain a small amount of alcohol in them.
Along with a few more countries, United States has the highest minimum drinking age in the world. In some other countries, the legal drinking age is as low as 16.
Alcohol is not exclusively a terrestrial matter. Astronomers found out there is a lot alcohol in space as well.
It was during the Prohibition when cocktails gained popularity. They were offered to mask the flavor of poorly made alcohol. Popular cocktails included Mary Pickford, French 75, Barbary Coast, Bee’s Knees, and the Sidecar.
Researches suggest that at any given time, 0.7% of the world population is drunk. It means 50 million people are drunk right now.
You can have a bottle of the world´s most expensive vodka for just mere 3.75 million dollars. “The Billionare Vodka“ is first ice-filtered, then filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and lastly passed through sand made from crushed diamonds and gems. It is sold in a platinum and rhodium encased, diamond encrusted crystal bottle.
Every year in the U.S., roughly 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol-related incident such as car crashes, homicides, alcohol poisoning and other related injuries.
(Check out the video for more facts)
And also check out these lovely lists:
“25 most dangerous trecks, climbs, and hikes on earth” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l82bemAIE9U
“25 Interesting Beer Facts That Will Leave You Tipsy” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJOItbGNCro&list=PL3Ikn3SKdJHgh4drBxL4fvolUdmsP87OV, ,
Despite the great controversy in terms of both physical and mental health, drinking alcohol is a worldwide phenomenon. Every country has its own favorite alcohol beverage and there are many nations arguing about who the world´s heaviest drinker is. Alcohol has been around for thousands of years and in the course of time, many interesting alcohol-related facts have emerged. From the pathological fear on an empty glass to a 3.75 million-dollar vodka, check out these 25 unbelievable facts about alcohol you may not realize are true.
Follow us on:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/list25
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/list25
Website: http://list25.com
Chek out the physical list at – http://list25.com/25-unbelievable-facts-about-alcohol-you-may-not-realize-are-true/
Now check out this intoxicating preview:
Discovery of late Stone Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented beverages existed at least as early as the Neolithic period (about 10,000 BC).
Most vegetable and almost all fruits contain a small amount of alcohol in them.
Along with a few more countries, United States has the highest minimum drinking age in the world. In some other countries, the legal drinking age is as low as 16.
Alcohol is not exclusively a terrestrial matter. Astronomers found out there is a lot alcohol in space as well.
It was during the Prohibition when cocktails gained popularity. They were offered to mask the flavor of poorly made alcohol. Popular cocktails included Mary Pickford, French 75, Barbary Coast, Bee’s Knees, and the Sidecar.
Researches suggest that at any given time, 0.7% of the world population is drunk. It means 50 million people are drunk right now.
You can have a bottle of the world´s most expensive vodka for just mere 3.75 million dollars. “The Billionare Vodka“ is first ice-filtered, then filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and lastly passed through sand made from crushed diamonds and gems. It is sold in a platinum and rhodium encased, diamond encrusted crystal bottle.
Every year in the U.S., roughly 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol-related incident such as car crashes, homicides, alcohol poisoning and other related injuries.
(Check out the video for more facts)
And also check out these lovely lists:
“25 most dangerous trecks, climbs, and hikes on earth” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l82bemAIE9U
“25 Interesting Beer Facts That Will Leave You Tipsy” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJOItbGNCro&list=PL3Ikn3SKdJHgh4drBxL4fvolUdmsP87OV
You can really taste the tarantula!
here is another cool fact the world record (and one that will never be broken) for most alcohol consumed in a single sitting is held by andre the giant
1:18 Why is there a picture of Welsh police when you are talking about Americans?
No2. Utter BS. It all depends on the alcohol content of each beverage.
can you tell me what the splotches are.. mikeks neck…. me and my friend have a bet I think its hives. he thinks it from his family… if he dosnt want to say I understand.. just wandering
#18) I didn't know Welsh was a major language in America.
im drinkin right now
but were does space alcohol come from?
European schools serve alcohol to willing students #WTF def not in Germany or the UK and Ireland ha ha
As to number 2:
12 ounces of 5% beer equals 5 ounces of 12% wine equals 1 shot (1.5 oz.)of 80-proof liquor.
A pint of beer (as stated in the video,) is 16 fluid ounces and contains 33% more alcohol than the other two options. This means that 3 pints of 5℅ beer contain the same amount of alcohol as 4 glasses of 12℅ wine or 4 shots of 80-proof liquor. It is also worth noting that European beers quite often contain more than 5% alcohol.
Also, the glass of beer pictured in the video looks like it contains about 10 ounces at most, so this visual should not be trusted as a guideline.
Thanks for the video, hope this helps :-)
#22 is bullshit…. Moving on.
i find many mezcals far superiour to tequila.
Im bout to have drink
I'm not from Europe but #9 is exaggerated, right……
Well I'm away to the shops to buy some Snake Venom it should be easy to find considering I'm in Scotland
who would want to get a fish drunk? wtf lol
Just so you know, mescal is tequila that is brewed outside of Jalisco county Mexico. I have had Mescal that was better than the very best tequila on the market. But, I've also had mescal that nearly killed me as well!
Humans may have begun to produce wine during the Neolithic, it is thought they were doing hallucinogens long before that.
do a list why not to got Clinton and another list why to not vote trump
Some of these so called "facts" aren't facts at all lol